I am based in Oxfordshire and am married to Leah; we have two beautiful children Freddie and Alice.
I am passionate about photography; the challenge is immense, you never stop learning how to capture and present an image. I have been taking photographs since I was about 10 years old and still find it a fascinating and rewarding process. There are so many elements to photography from learning about light, to how to use the equipment for best effect, together with the planning often needed to get into the right situation at the right time.
The photographs you see are a result of this passion and I aim to capture images that keep your attention, make you look closer or capture a moment in time. Over the years I have developed an intuition for what makes a good photograph, I keep a camera with me at all times as you never know when the situation will present itself. It’s about getting out there, seeking new experiences and crafting a photograph.
Contact Me
T 07857 034149